Sunday, December 29, 2019

A Little Bit of Gothic

If you like Jane Austen’s work you have probably already heard about the Austen Project. Within this ambitious undertaking a number of modern writers publish their takes on classical Austen’s plots, not only reimagining them in contemporary settings, but reworking them to create new works of fiction. Val McDermid is one of established authors of modern crime fiction, so she was a natural choice for remaking Northanger Abbey, the novel satirizing Gothic literature, as immensely popular in Austen’s times as cheap mystery novels are today. In the original book we see Catherine Morland, a naà ¯ve young girl who, under the influence of her friend, starts consuming Gothic novels in inordinate amounts and, what it worse, accept their contents at face value. Morbid mysteries, grisly murders, terrible crimes, skeletons in closets – all these typical traits of Gothic literature are perceived by her as facts of life, and she eagerly looks for them in everything that surrounds her. When she goes to stay to the eponymous Northanger Abbey, a very Gothic-looking place, she immediately sees the signs of dark and troubled past in her hosts – only to discover, to her dismay, that what she perceived as mysteries had very mundane explanations, and she didn’t just make a fool of herself, but risked losing the attention of a young man she loves. A New Take Val McDermid is a crime writer in her own right, and it is only too natural to expect that in her case she will put some real murder and horror in the story – which makes the fact that she doesn’t all the more satisfying. It is still Jane Austen’s plot, albeit in a different setting, a skillful and pleasant homage to the original. McDermid doesn’t simply retell the original changing the time period – it will be a real treat for Austen’s fans who know her texts well, because McDermid made sure to reference a lot from the original novel without actually repeating it, and gives plausible explanations for why things happen exactly like they happened two hundred years ago. It is pleasant to see that she also tries to look at the entire Austen Project from outside. The book is full of references to the famous Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula and its connections to modern vampire fiction, namely Twilight series. We seemingly can’t help but retell and reimagine the same stories over and over again, recreating and resurrecting the same characters, McDermid muses. Sometimes it leads to recreations becoming more familiar and recognizable than the originals – Cat Morland, the heroine, feels rather strange when reading original Dracula she never heard about after getting acquainted with its distant descendant. In modern culture we are much more likely to first watch a movie or a TV series and only then become interested in the literary original, even if we know about its existence. Jane Austen, according to McDermid, enjoys (or suffers) similar status today: all too often people are familiar with her work only through cinematic reimaginings, with the original lost in the mists of time.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Black Women s Racial And Gender Identity And Attitudes...

it was noted that fewer women (90%; 25 missing responses) responded to item 3, â€Å"In your opinion, what does it means to be a Black woman (or woman of your Black ethnic group?† This response pattern may be due in part to participant fatigue, considering these items were posed at the end of the survey. Procedures Black women were recruited for the study through web-based advertisements distributed through university listervs, social networking sites (e.g., Facebook, Twitter), and electronic mail. Women were also recruited through in-person solicitation and snowball sampling at the university and senior centers within the Houston area. Multiple means of sampling were employed in efforts to obtain a diverse sample of Black women in terms of socioeconomic status, age, sexual orientation, and other demographic characteristics. All women were told that they have an opportunity to take part in a study focused on Black women’s racial and gender identity and experiences and attitudes associated with Black womanhood. All women were provided with a web-based or one-page printed advertisement briefly outlining the study’s title, purpose, incentive, and necessary contact personnel. At the end of the web advertisement, women were provided with the link to the web-based survey. The print adve rtisement not only included the link to the web-based version of the survey, but also informed women of the potential for completing the survey in paper-and-pencil format. Women who elected toShow MoreRelatedThe Cultural Identity Of The Strong Black Woman2874 Words   |  12 PagesSuperwoman/ Yes I am, yes she is/ Still when I m a mess, I still put on a vest/ With a S on my chest/ Oh yes, I m a Superwoman- Alicia Keys, Superwoman Alicia Keys is reiterating an identity that is universally accepted by most African-American women (Harris-Perry 184). This is the cultural identity of the Strong Black Woman (SBW): self-reliant, tough, and hardworking. Stuart Hall defines cultural identities as, â€Å"[A] sort of collective ‘one true self’, hiding inside the many other, more superficialRead MoreBuchi Emecheta and African Traditional Society Essay1918 Words   |  8 Pagesplays a role in constructing a world in which women can live complete lives; a world that may provide women with opportunities for freedom, creativity, self-expression, friendship and love. Welesley Brown Lloyd believes that; â€Å"of all women writers in contemporary African literature Buchi Emecheta of Nigeria has been the most sustained and vigorous voice of direct feminist protest† (35) Buchi Emecheta’s major concern is providing a picture of the African women which is nothing to smile about. ProvidingRead MoreAfrican American Daughters And Non Residential Fathers : A Qualitative Exploration9462 Words   |  38 PagesNon-Residential Fathers: A Qualitative Exploration La Toi S Smith Chapter 1 Introduction I spent the majority of my life being raised by a single mother due to my parents’ divorce. Because of my parents’ divorce, my mother stated firmly that I had changed and became a difficult child. I remember rebelling, suffering with low self-esteem and self-worth and blaming myself for the absence of my father. 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Wood Department of Communication, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill times more often than ones about women (â€Å"Study Reports Sex Bias,† 1989), media misrepresent actual proportions of men and women in the population. This constant distortion tempts us to believe that there really are more men than women and, further, that men are the cultural standard. THEMES IN MEDIA Of the many influences on how we view men and women, media are the most pervasiveRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 PagesAllida M. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Can Money Buy Happiness Free Essays

In our society, people often put great emphasis on materials and possessions. Many believe that having more money would make them happier in life; but does money really provide true happiness? Having the money to provide food, clothing, and shelter is essential for everyone’s well-being and happiness, but after those basic needs are fulfilled more money just offers materials not necessarily happiness. There are many ways I think money does buy happiness. We will write a custom essay sample on Can Money Buy Happiness or any similar topic only for you Order Now Money increases quality of life which in turn buys happiness. This is only true if one lives within his means, lives a modest life style and pursues happiness the right way. I think most people believe happiness is bought in a store. People overestimate how much pleasure they’ll get when they buy something luxurious. We really don’t need all these extravagant luxuries around us. Are they necessities to life? Are they just things to show your vanity? Or are they just trying to keep up with the Jones’s? In today’s materialistic world, the phrase that ‘money can’t buy happiness’ is tending to be proved hence otherwise. Social research and surveys have shown results based on an individuals income, health and the political scenario which is dominant in his or her region. It is quite obvious that the gap between the privileged and the not so is growing into a great divide giving rise to different class and status, thus defining ones social circle. It should therefore be understood how an individual’s economic status affects their personal happiness throughout all aspects of life. Many tend to refer to this age-old quote especially when they tend to belong to sector of people who can’t afford the modern day luxuries of life. What they do not realize is that money, might in fact do just that, buy happiness. On the other hand, those who have pockets as heavy as themselves think that money Is nothing but a burden and a complication in life, which is too networked to figure out. First of all, a comfortable life can be brought if we are rich. Nowadays, it is not uncommon to see people complain about their low standard of living. The low educated groups always have to worry about their living. They may worry about losing their jobs as they always work as low skilled workers. Their jobs are not stable at all. They may not be able to cope with their daily lives, let alone being happy. Under such circumstances, money can buy happiness. If they have got more money, they no longer have to worry all the time. The idea of money buying happiness is interesting. Yes, most people feel they do need more money to be happy, but what is that â€Å"happiness† they are speaking of? If that idea means owning newer appliances than before, then money can buy you happiness. If that idea is going out to eat dinner more often, then money can buy you happiness. But, if happiness is truly living one’s life to the fullest, then money cannot buy happiness. People know that this idea of happiness is materialistic and shallow, and they are quick to point it out in others, but cannot see it in themselves. Money cannot buy happiness, unless happiness is measured by possessions. Happiness from money is very short lived. While the happiness of people who receive large sums of money might rise immediately after they receive that money, that happiness declines to only slightly above or equal to their level of happiness before the money came to them. Different people have different beliefs of what happiness really is. However, money is often the bane of happiness, as is evidenced that affluent societies are often considerably more unhappy than poorer (not necessarily poverty stricken) countries. This is a sign that too little, or too much money is not a good thing. A balance needs to be struck between earning money and more fulfilling activities. This is because happiness is not a state to be ‘achieved’ but a virtue, and all happiness is relative. Happiness is a virtue. Happiness cannot be ‘achieved’ or ‘attained’ through earning money. Money can be seen as the opposite of happiness. The rich often wield power, due to their wealth, which in turn corrupts their morals. How to cite Can Money Buy Happiness, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Entrepreneurial Marketing Plan Science Museum

Question: Discuss about theEntrepreneurial Marketing Planfor Science Museum. Answer: Introduction Global Village is one among the largest entertainment holiday spot in Arab Emirates which have a huge attraction among the world tourists. This festival and entertainment spot has been launched in 1997. Some of the major attractions of this holiday spot is the Amusement park, the haunted house, The heritage village etc which has already gathered the attention of millions of world tourists to the Arab Emirates. This tourism organization provides all the facilities to the visitors like the standardized food, accommodation, transportation facilities etc so that the tourists can enjoy their trip conveniently and memorize the trip for a long period. Being participating in the competition conducted by the management of the global village I have prepared a marketing plan for a new proposed product so as to attract the young tourists throughout the world (Westwood, 2016). The concept of the marketing mix, integrated marketing communications and the customer engagement are included in the marketing plan in order to make it more effective. The proposed new product is The Science and geographic museum. Target Audience The target audience for the new proposed product The Science and geographic museum are the tourists between the age group 16 to 30 years. The students, staff members, professors, youngsters from the high schools, colleges of the residing country are considered as the primary target audience. The population who falls into the specified age group throughout the world is also focused as the target audience (Kovavisaruch et al, 2016). Being the science and geographic museum the school and the college students are considered as the target audience as it can help them for the academic and research purposes Marketing Goals The goals and objectives of the marketing plan of The Science and the Geographic Museum are mentioned below To attract the youngsters between the age group 16 to 30 years to the Global Village. Adding value to the reputation and image of the Global village through the marketing of new entertainment in Global village. To increase the inflow of the world tourists (Silva, Mazzon, 2016). Proposed New Products and Services The organization global village already has the tourist attractions which has already won the attractions of the world tourists. A new product or business idea which can be proposed to the global village can be the Science and the geographic museum. This business idea can be an asset for the organization global village. This business idea would be related to academic and the research oriented which can generate curiosity among the students, youngsters of the residents as well as the world tourists. The science is continuously developing and the humans will be curious to know more about the updated and historical science and geographic information (Koskinen, 2016). The primary attractions of this new Science and Geographic Museum are Exhibitions, galleries and events Media Space like Julia Margaret Cameron, The Kraszna-Krausz Book Awards and The First Book Award 2015 (20 April 2015 28 June 2015) etc. Festivals and events like Einsteins Cosmos, Star Wars etc. Learning science and geography The Marketing Mix The marketing mix is the process of putting the right product in right place at right time and at right price (Becker, 2016). Extended Marketing Mix, Source: Marketing Mix.Uk The marketing mix for the new business idea The Science and Geographic Museum has been discussed below (Kirgiz, 2016). Product: The product is the new business idea which can be included in the Tourism organization Global Village The science and the geographic museum. The introduction of this sector in the Global Village can add value to its reputation. The inflow of tourists increases as this sector generates curiosity (Cowley, 2016). Place: The Museum will be established in the Global Village premises. Promotion: The promotional activities can be performed through the following methods. Press Advertising: Press release to national and international press Advertising in Tourism Publications of tour agents, schools, colleges etc. Television and business magazine advertising which can attract children and parents Advertising through GB websites and Social Medias which can attract youngsters and can cover global tourists. Mail shots, leaf let etc which can provide a personalized invitation to the tourists (Hisrich, Ramadani, 2017). Price: The price will be the admission fee for the visitors into the museum A family with 3 members: 137ADE A family of 4 members: 150 ADE An Adult (above 17 years): 80 ADE A Child (8 to 16 years): 50 ADE Special inaugural offers for the school trips and group visits: An Adult (above 17 years): 50 ADE A Child (8 to 16 years): 30 ADE Integrated Marketing Communications mix Advertising: The new launch of the science and the geographic museum can be done through the traditional and the modern methods. The Television advertisements can be an effective one as it will be placed directly to the family. Apart from this the provision of leaflets, banners, etc can also cover the attention of the people. Advertising in the business magazines, school journals etc will gather the attention of students. Promotions: The museum can be promoted worldwide through Conducting campaigns in the schools, colleges etc. Special events like the exhibition aimed to public. Gaining good media coverage (Belch, Belch, 2016) Guerilla Marketing: This method of marketing will be an effective one for the new launch of the organization GV as the organization holds a good reputation and corporate image worldwide. Through this method the customer attractions can be gained through providing leaflets, public, announcements, etc in the parks, beaches etc. Leaflet provision can be given to the students and youngsters in the school and the college premises. This method can grab the attention of the target audience effectively. For international customers the volunteers or tour agents can be allotted for this marketing purpose. Social Media: This is an effective and less expensive method of marketing which provide good coverage of the target audience. Since the users of social media are youngsters their attraction can be gathered easily. Public Relations: Any activity which raises the public's consciousness of the museum and improves its image. Some of the public relations activities may include speaking at meetings of voluntary bodies, For Example: WI, Rotary handling complaints tactfully and rapidly involving the museum in community activities Publicity: The publicity for the science and geographic museum can be obtained through Involving in the social activities like charity, donations etc. Involving celebrity or scientists in the promotional activities (Fill, Turnbull, 2016). Demonstrating videos clippings in the public meetings etc. Customer Engagement The customer engagement is an effective marketing method through which strategic, relevant and personalized messages are delivered to the target or potential customers in a timely manner. Some of the customer engagement methods that can be adopted for the marketing of the science and geographic museum of the organization GV are discussed below. Personalized emails to the target customers which can make the please and engage by doing research on it on the organization website. Gathering online and offline feedback and opinion from the customers about the launching of the new science and the geographic museum. This method can engage the customers and make them remain in contact with the organization. Once they provide feedback they will certainly cross check with the operations of the museum once it is launched (Munoz et al, 2016). Building loyal customers through one to one conversations. This method would be an effective customer engagement strategy. Through communicating one to one with the schools, colleges, university managements on regular the museum can get regular audience. Such customers can be engaged personally through direct visit, participating in the meetings, calling them for inaugural functions etc. Operating in an integrated multi channel method will make the customer engagement more effective (So, King, Sparks, Wang, 2016) Budget Budgeting is one of the important part of the marketing plan based on which the financial resources for the implementation of the marketing plan of the science and geographic museum can be identified. Through budgeting all the expenses and financial requirements are included in the documentation which are required for implementing the science and geographic museum. The budget for the newly proposed science and geographic museum should be included in the budget AED 50 000. The budget is specified below Activities Expenses Executive Teams, staff benefits etc AED 3750 Facilities and maintenance AED 5000 Building and office services AED 20000 Exhibits and programs AED 8000 Membership and registrations AED 1275 Marketing and Public Relations AED 7475 Insurance AED 3000 Miscellaneous AED 1500 Total AED 50 000. The Science and Geographic Museum Budget Since the museum has to be built in the premises of the Global Village land acquisition costs will be lesser. The cost related to getting license and permission from the government will also be eliminated. Since the infrastructure should be built as per the corporate image of GV and international standardization, the cost of building will be higher as estimated above. Conclusion As a competitor for the marketing plan conducted by Global village an effective marketing plan of a new business idea the science and the geographic museum has been proposed. The marketing plan is effectively designed by including the concepts of marketing mix, integrated marketing communication and customer engagement. References Becker, D. (2016). Marketing for Special and Academic Libraries: A Planning and Best Practices Sourcebook. Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association/Journal de l'Association des bibliothques de la sant du Canada, 37(3). Belch, G. E., Belch, M. A. (2016). Evaluating The Effectiveness of Elements of Integrated Marketing Communications: A Review of Research. ISBN: 10 12-3869 Vol No 4 No 1 June 2016. Cowley, M. B. (2016). Irish Home Care: An Integrated Digital Marketing Plan Communications Evaluation for Care Worker Recruitment. da Silva, E. C., Mazzon, J. A. (2016). Social Marketing Plan For Health Promotion: Developing Public Health Policies Customer-Oriented. Revista Brasileira de Marketing, 15(2), 164-176. Fill, C., Turnbull, S. L. (2016). Marketing communications: brands, experiences and participation. Pearson. Hisrich, R. D., Ramadani, V. (2017). Entrepreneurial Marketing Mix. In Effective Entrepreneurial Management (pp. 75-99). Springer International Publishing. Kovavisaruch, L. O., Sanpechuda, T., Chinda, K., Sornlertlamvanich, V., Kamonvej, P. (2016, June). Museum content evaluation based on visitor behavior. In Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON), 2016 13th International Conference on (pp. 1-5). IEEE. Koskinen, S. (2016). Increasing Social Media Engagement through a Digital Marketing Plan. Case: Plootu. Kirgiz, A. C. (2016). Green Marketing Mix. In Green Marketing: A Case Study of the Sub-Industry in Turkey (pp. 23-61). Palgrave Macmillan UK. Moreno-Munoz, A., Bellido-Outeirino, F. J., Siano, P., Gomez-Nieto, M. A. (2016). Mobile social media for smart grids customer engagement: Emerging trends and challenges. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 53, 1611-1616. So, K. K. F., King, C., Sparks, B. A., Wang, Y. (2016). The role of customer engagement in building consumer loyalty to tourism brands. Journal of Travel Research, 55(1), 64-78. Westwood, J. (2016). How to write a marketing plan. Kogan Page Publishers.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Bill Proposal free essay sample

A severe mental illness (SMI) is an assembly of mainly psychotic conditions that are, by description, extensive and related to compromised societal functioning. As stated by the surgeon general’s report of 2010, one out of five adults, or nearly 40 million Americans, suffer from some type of psychological disorder annually. In addition, about five percent of the U. S population suffers from chronic mental disorder for instance, bipolar, major depressive disorders, schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorders, (Surgeon General Report, 2010). Most individuals with severe mental ailments have a co-occurring substance abuse disorder. Valuations propose that up to 8 million grownups in the US have a mixture of at least one co-occurring psychological condition and substance-related illness in a yearly. In comparison to individuals with a primary mental or substance abuse disorder, individuals with co-occurring disorders tend to be more symptomatic, have multiple health and social problems, and require more costly care, including inpatient hospitalization (Center for Mental Health Services and Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, 2000). We will write a custom essay sample on Bill Proposal or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Many are at increased risk of homelessness and incarceration. Of the 10 million adults who enter US jails each year, about700, 000 of them have co-occurring disorders (United States Department of Justice Statistics, 1997). In 2000, the Centre for NHS Service Delivery and Organization’s research identified the need for a number of systematic improvements to the continuing care processes for vulnerable groups of patients, including those with co-occurring disorders (Fulop et al. , 2000). For example, there has been a lot of deinstitutionalization. Rather than hospitals attempting to meet the health and social needs of patients, this task is now carried out by a variety of primary and secondary health and social care providers. These agencies, often times driven by inadequate resources and limited well trained medical personnel have led to several concerns about untoward incidents involving people with SMI. Repeated official inquiries have linked such concerns to failures to coordinate patient care. (Fulop et al. , 2011). Continuity of care has therefore assumed particular significance in the US behavioral health system and as such, a bill mandating improve delivery and sustainability of care for people with co-occurring disorders will protect, promote and preserve better mental health for residents in Arizona. This bill will: Mandate primary and secondary health care providers to collaborate strongly with clinical institutions to ensure both coordination and sustainability of care to the severe mentally ill. Provide alternative activities of daily living to people with severe mental illness thereby redirecting them from forms of misconduct and eventual jail time. Ensure improve quality of care for people already diagnosed with co-occurring disorders which will lead to treatment and rehabilitation to normal life. Reduce homelessness as those properly treated will gain employable skills and find work. The passing of this bill will come at a time when many organizations and the general public have shown interest in working together to provide better services to the mentally ill in our community. The Arizonan Department of Health has a Division of Behavioral Health that collaborates with Regional Managed Care Providers: RBHAS (Regional Behavioral Health Agencies) to provide coordinated care for behavioral health recipients, the Center for Human Rights also partners with hospitals and health providers to protect and ensure fair treatment of people with mental illnesses as well as the US federal government through its increased  funding for mental health diagnosis and treatment. After the shooting in Tucson, and the recent mass shooting of children in Connecticut, the Colorado theater , and the recurrent shootings in Fort Hood, the public is more willing to support and advocate for improved coordination of care for the mentally ill, especially people with co-occurring disorders. Health and migration laws have been long standing in us politics,its an ongoing process and batlle. TheUnited States is in the midst of a heated debate on immigration policy, and a renewed debate on health care reformhas also begun in anticipation of the 2008 presidential election. Both of these debates present an important opportunity to revisit health policies affecting immigrants and to craft solutions that are grounded in evidence about the vulnerability of immigrant groups and the potential consequences of lack of access for their health and the health of the nation. To do so, however, will require serious consideration of how various provisions of the immigration and health reformproposalsmight interact to affect immigrants’ access to health care. On the immigration reform side, what will temporary work visas and time limits on stays mean for immigrants’ health care access and experiences? What are the implications for immigrants’ health and mental health of provisions barring families from immigrating with a worker? Provisions that expand opportunities for legal residency and citizenship for undocumented immigrants already in the Assignment Grading Criteria Bill Proposal Research various modes of health care delivery systems and analyze how they promote and support the health care needs of vulnerable populations. Outline a bill intended for your local legislative representative describing your selected mode or modes of delivery and explain how it will promote and support vulnerable populations. Content 12 points possible Points available Points earned Explains needs of vulnerable populations in health care Describes the rationale for the proposed bill to include the selected mode of delivery 5 Contains an analysis of current health care delivery systems States the benefits of the proposed bill Identifies resources that support and promote the needs of vulnerable populations 5 Defines necessary terms and identifies any provisions of the proposed bill 2 Format 3 points possible Points available Points earned Follows rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation Has a structure that is clear, logical, and easy to follow.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Team Leadership Essays

Team Leadership Essays Team Leadership Essay Team Leadership Essay Team Leadership Name: Institution: Team Leadership To: The Manager From: Team Leader Subject: Team Leadership Date: 26 July 2013 Exploring new market segments requires a peer into the use of effective teamwork for the process. The challenge of entering a new market segment necessitates a restructuring of the management and organizational culture. One of these restructuring processes involves the creation of a new department. The new department will be fundamental in accomplishing a section of the firm’s strategic plan. Consequently, the new department will consist of members of the existing learning team. Nonetheless, determining the performance of the team requires an analysis of certain aspects concerned with leadership. One of these aspects comprises personality. One of the hardest things for a team leader to address involves the diversity in personality. Personally, my team members possess various personality types that affect cohesiveness. This is because the combination of positive and negative personality traits may offset each other in the team. The integration of different personality traits also creates a viable environment for the accomplishment of specified organizational goals. Apart from offsetting each other, personality traits, respective of their difference, can also build one another leading to synergies (Katzenbach Smith, 2006). Therefore, it is crucial for me to assert the importance of these personality differences. As an effectual team leader, recognizing and using personality traits is a vital aspect of ensuring cohesion in the team. Nonetheless, by concentrating on individual personalities, the leadership approach that I will use involves an application of the Trait Theory of Leadership. The Trait theory implies that the personalities characterized by individuals comprise wide dispositions (Gehring, 2007). It concentrates particularly on the differences between persons based on the traits and characteristics. Additionally, the theory is fundamental since it facilitates understanding the specific behaviors ch aracterized by the team members. The trait theory focuses primarily on the recognizing and measuring individual characteristics. Furthermore, trait theory asserts that individuals possess definite qualities, which make them suitable for leadership (Gehring, 2007). Nevertheless, the interface and integration of a range of traits create a unique personality among every individual. Nonetheless, for the team, in order to employ this theoretical knowledge, it will be crucial to incorporate a personality assessment test. Personality assessment tests aid in unveiling the features of a person’s character via research instruments such as questionnaires or other qualified techniques. In this case, one of the main assessments conducted will comprise the Jungian 16-Type Personality Self-Assessment Test. The Jungian Test receives its derivation from Carl Jung who surmised that persons possess disparate predispositions and inclinations. Typically, these predispositions narrow to Extraversion, Introversion, Thinking and Fee ling. The Jungian Test acknowledges the existence of 16 different personality types. These types belong to each of the four characters. These characters comprise Protectors (SJ), Creators (SP), Intellectuals (NT) and Visionaries (NF). Under Protectors, the types within this group comprise ESTJ, ESFJ, ISTJ and ISFJ. ESTP, ESFP, ISTP and ISFP lie under Creators. ENTJ, ENTP, INTJ and INTP, are under Intellectuals while Visionaries comprise ENFJ, ENFP, INFJ and INFP (Barrett Green, 2011). In this case, the personality assessment will focus on determining the different personality types that the team members and I, as their leader possess. For my team members, the test score was as follows: ENTP (Originator), ENFP (Advocate), ENFP (Advocate) and ESFP (Entertainer). For me, the score was ENTJ (Chief). Based on these scores, it is clear that my team mainly lies under NT and NF. Additionally, the test also determined that I was under SP (Creator). Based on the personality assessment test, my score asserts that I have natural leadership attributes. This is because the assessment asserts that the ENTJ type connects the team members and the resources effectually. Furthermore, the ENTJ type possesses the desire to solve challenges usually seen as insurmountable by other people. In addition, the ENTJ type has a passion for leadership and the rapidity to understand complexities. Because of their aptitude towards absorption of considerable information, ENTJ types are capable of making immediate and influential judgments (Barrett Green, 2011). Additionally, the test also proves that I possess a practical and effective problem solving side. This side enables me to complete projects efficiently, as well as solve disputes among members. Indeed, based on the trait theory, these ideal qualities define and reflect my innate attribute of leadership. Furthermore, the different personality types within the team also reflect different traits t hat are able to fulfill the specified task’s objectives due to their differences. Thus, it is imperative that a leadership approach that exploits the different personality types undergoes application. The use of the trait theory, in this case, implies a Transformational Leadership approach. The approach will focus on inspiring and empowering the team members towards the specified objectives. Accordingly, the approach will also consider subjecting employees to the fulfillment of organizational interests while respecting their needs. Applying this approach in this situation will generate a leading and innovative change desired by the organization. With respect to this, it is evident that the Trait Theory of Leadership will determine the course of action for the team leader and the team. Performing the personality assessment test was ideal in leading the team successfully towards the desired goal. References Barrett, J., Green, H. (2011). The complete personality assessment: Psychometric tests to reveal your true potential. London, UK: Kogan Page. Gehring, R. (January 01, 2007). Applying Traits Theory of Leadership to Project Management. Project Management Journal, 38(1), 44-54. Katzenbach, J. R., Smith, D. K. (2006). The wisdom of teams: Creating the high-performance organization. New York, NY: Collins Business.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Cross-Cultural Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Cross-Cultural Management - Essay Example The management practices at EZ-ABC are authoritative and do not motivate employees towards achievement of the organizational goals. The national culture of Korea is characterized by high power differences and high uncertainty avoidance. Korean culture is masculine and values collectivism unlike Canadian culture which appreciates individualism and autonomy in work. . Cross-cultural management Introduction Case study analysis The practices are not geared at fair compensation for all employees since a city tax deduction which is discriminatory and illegal is included in the employees’ salaries. The management practices aim at exploiting employees since a majority are foreigners. EZ-ABC does not allow employees to design their own lesson plans or interact with fellow employees during work. Sandy who is Australian woman with a doctorate in education leadership is authoritative and does not delegate some jobs to subordinates since she is in control of every decision in the school (F itzsimmons & Shantz, 2010). Lee who is a retired military man in charge of the local branch of EZ-ABC in Kangman district believes that higher salaries are the only motivating factor for employees (Fitzsimmons & Shantz, 2010). The management practices encourage competition among employees since those who receive low ratings are fired. The school norm does not allow teachers to share experiences or form informal groups. Ian who is an American teacher is forced to sign a document which will lead to his ultimate dismissal even if he is late again for one minute. Sandy is interested in furthering her own objectives of designing her own curriculum in order to run an ESL school once the curriculum is popular across the EZ-ABC chain (Fitzsimmons & Shantz, 2010). EZ-ABC policy prohibits discussion of pay among co-workers and Visa and apartment lease is tied to employer. If an employee is interested leaving the job, a letter of release must be granted by the employer which many employers are reluctant to offer (Fitzsimmons & Shantz, 2010). Evaluation of management practices of EZ-ABC using motivation theories and cultural dimensions There are two broad categories of motivation theories that are the content theories and process theories. According to content theories, the unsatisfied needs of individuals will create tension. Maslow’s theory of motivation asserts that individuals are motivated by satisfying their needs in a hierarchy (Bhattacharyya, 2010). The first needs that should be satisfied are the physiological needs which include food and shelter. The second needs include safety. EZ-ABC has not provided safety needs since employees need security of tenure in their work. The third class of needs is the sense of belonging which is not available in EZ-ABC since employees need to feel loved and appreciated by forming both formal and informal groups in the workplace. The fourth category is self-esteem needs. The employees at EZ-ABC have no self-esteem since the y are not happy with the current management practices. The highest hierarchy is self-actualization. For instance, Sandy has failed to attain this need since Lee has rejected the curriculum designed by Sandy. According to McClelland’s theory, employees need a sense achievement, affiliation and power in order to be motivated in their work. Some employees who need achievement may strive for personal success. For instance, Lee and Sandy are in need of power dominance and achievement which makes them take control of every decision in the organization. EZ-ABC should fulfill the employees need for affiliation and need of collective achievement in the school (Bhattacharyya, 2010). Process theories of motivation deal with the choices made by employees in their behaviors. Examples of these theories include equity